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Human Trafficking Dialogue

“There are an estimated 21-45 million people trapped in some form of slavery today. It’s sometimes called “Modern-day Slavery” and sometimes “Human trafficking.” at all times it is slavery at its core.  

The day of National Slavery and Human Trafficking prevention falls on the month of January every year.” 

“Hey! I’m curious, I do not know much about Human Trafficking, can you tell me more?” 

Absolutely, I certainly can fill you in! What is Human Trafficking?”   

Human trafficking can be also called “Modern Slavery” and it is the unlawful act of transporting or coercing people in order to benefit from their work or service, typically in the form of forced labor or sexual exploitation.  

“Oh!! I thought that’s only for smuggling people across the border, all chained up and it only exists in other countries, not the US.”  

“Well no, human trafficking can happen in your own backyard without knowing! It can happen anywhere in the USA and other countries. Human trafficking cases has been reported and prosecuted in industries including restaurants, cleaning services, constructions, factories and more. Traffickers usually do not smuggle people across the border being chained, they can be recruited and trafficked in their own hometowns and even their own homes. The victims are also being forced in another ways, human trafficking can be any form of… 

  • Forced labor (paid little or unpaid wages) 
  • Sexual exploitation 
  • Forced marriages 
  • Forced removal of critical organs that traffickers need (in order to sell on black market)” 

“Is there an exact profile on a trafficking victim? What about the trafficker?” 

“That’s a great question! The victims can be any gender, any age and nationality in any diverse background. The age of the victims can range from young children up to elderly. There is no exact profile of the traffickers so it can be anyone that the victims may know for years or just have briefly met and befriended. It also can be employers, strangers and even family members!” 

“Oh wow, thank you for clarifying that! Can you tell me some signs of the person possibly being trafficked?” 

“Sure thing! I can give you some signs/examples of being trafficked. It can be… 

  • Shows signs of physical and/or sexual abuse, physical restraint, confinement or torture 
  • Appears malnourished 
  • Is not allowed or able to speak for themselves 
  • Is not in control of his/her own ID or passport 
  • Is not in control of his/her own money and has no financial records or bank accounts 
  • Works excessively long or unusual hours 
  •  Is unpaid, paid very little or paid only though tips 
  • Is not allowed to take a break time or suffers under unusual restrictions at work 
  • Is fearful, anxious, depressed, submissive, tense or nervous/paranoid 

…Many more to mention!” 

“Wow, that’s interesting and I learned something new today! Thank you for your time to educate me on what Human trafficking or Modern-day slavery is all about.” 

“Yes! Happy to help by educating you about this. It’s very important for all of you to know the red flags/indicators so you can help report if you need to.”