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Teen Dating Violence

What is Teen Dating violence? 

  • A pattern of behavior that includes physical, emotional, verbal or sexual abuse is used by one teen in an intimate relationship to exert power and control over another. 

3 Key differences between Teen Dating Violence (TDV) and adult IPV 

  • Adolescent girls are not often dependent on their partner for financial support and typically do not have children to provide for or protect.  
  • Teen have limited experiences with romantic relationships and negotiating conflict. 
  • Teen relationships are more than likely to be affected by the influence of peers 

Types of abuse found in Teen IPV 

  • Physical abuse– hitting, biting, shoving, hair pulling and scratching. 
  • Emotional or Psychological abuse– name calling, bullying, shaming and intentionally embarrassing them 
  • Sexual abuse– forcing a teen partner to engage in a sexual act against or without their consent.  
  • Stalking– repeatedly following or harassing a teen partner in a way that cause them reasonable fear for their safety or well-being.  

Why does teen violence happen? 

Teenage romantic relationships are more likely to turn violent when… 

  • Not mature enough to communicate about their feelings 
  • Teens often don’t understand how to communicate efficiently with romantic partners 
  • Teen are depressed or suffer from anxiety or other emotional problems 
  • Teens are pressured into behaving in ways they ordinarily wouldn’t do by their peers 
  • Drugs and alcohol are introduced.  

When it comes to teens, parents are strongly encouraged to keep an open and honest line of communication with no strings or punishments attached between them so the teen will feel more comfortable to speak about their experiences and struggles in their intimate relationships. Abuse in teenage relationships can cause serious problems down the road if it isn’t addressed properly. Healthy relationships equal healthy living.  
